Thursday, March 11, 2010

TiEcon Delhi 2009 held at Taj Palace, New Delhi

 TiEcon Delhi 2009, one of India’s largest entrepreneurship conference was held at The Taj Palace, New Delhi. The conference was kicked off with a welcoming note by Dr. Saurabh Srivastava Chairman Emeritus, The Indus Entrepreneurs, (TiE), New Delhi followed by an inaugural address by Mr. P. Chidambaram, Ministry of Home Affairs, India. Mr. P. Chidambaram’s address was followed by an address by Sir Richard Stagg, KMCG, British High Commissioner. The speakers addressed a delegation of 1000 people attending this session. TiEcon Delhi 2009 is a landmark conference which brings together an array of people from a variety of industries and societies to debate complex issues and foster new ideas.

The main focus of TiE Delhi’s 10th anniversary, entrepreneurship conference was to inspire and educate entrepreneurs on aspects that impact the entrepreneurial environment and the opportunities relevant to Indian companies, particularly those in the start up and growth phase. The entrepreneurial environment has been dampened by the onset of the recession. Numerous budding entrepreneurs who were upbeat about their business propositions prior to the recession were forced to stall their plans due to lack of funds; however many smart entrepreneurs did weather the affects of the recession. The two day conference highlights the need of “Smart Entrepreneurship in Challenging Times” through:
  • Panel sessions designed to focus on the opportunities & challenges thrown up by the recent economic situation.
  • Relevant entrepreneurial stories & experiences across sectors/regions interspersed in the various sessions, with emphasis on the things they did right.